Welcome to Traditional Taekwon-Do Kutaisi
Discover the Benefits of traditional Taekwon-Do at our School in Kutaisi. Our Courses are suitable for all age groups.
აღმოაჩინეთ ტრადიციული ტაეკვონ-დოს სარგებელი ჩვენს სკოლაში ქუთაისში. ჩვენი კურსები განკუთვნილია ყველა ასაკობრივი ჯგუფისთვის.
That's what we offer სწორედ ამას ვთავაზობთ
Taekwon-Do for children ბავშვებისთვის
Children learn coordination, discipline, endurance, fitness, self-confidence
ბავშვები სწავლობენ კოორდინაციას, დისციპლინას, გამძლეობას, ფიტნესს, თავდაჯერებულობას
Taekwon-Do for adults მოზრდილებისთვის
Adults of all ages learn indomitable coordination, discipline, endurance, fitness, self-confidence
ყველა ასაკის მოზარდები სწავლობენ დაუოკებელ კოორდინაციას, დისციპლინას, გამძლეობას, ფიტნესს, თავდაჯერებულობას
About Master Hacker 태권도 사범
Kai Hacker
Hello, my name is Kai Hacker and I have been practicing traditional Taekwon-Do since 2000 and achieved my black belt in 2009 from Grandmaster Kwon Jae Hwa personally. In 2012 I traveled to America with a Taekwon-Do Delegation to meet Grandmaster Kwon Jae Hwa and obtained my second master's degree there. In Germany, I founded my first school in Mittenwald in 2012 and was able to gain a lot of experience with children and adults. I also trained security companies in self-defense and personal protection thanks to my many years of experience in this Area. My goal is to help you enjoy a long and healthy life and to train and strengthen your body and mind. Sincerely, Kai Hacker
Contact us კონტაქტი
Contact us for information about our Taekwon-Do lessons in Kutaisi!
Traditional Taekwon-Do Kutaisi
7 Joseb Grishasvili Street
1. Floor Dance Studio Oasis
Kutaisi Georgien
Why us რატომ ჩვენ
Traditional Taekwon-Do Kutaisi is a martial arts school in Kutaisi dedicated to the tradition and teaching methods of Grandmaster Kwon Jae Hwa. Our goal is to bring the benefits of Taekwon-Do to people of all ages. Through our courses we promote physical fitness, mental strength and discipline. Our training is not only focused on improving technique, but also on developing a strong sense of community. We believe that everyone, regardless of experience or fitness level, has the opportunity to grow and develop in our martial arts. Thanks to Master Kai Hacker's 24 years of Taekwon-Do experience, who is not only a Trainer, but also a Motivator and Coach, you always get a supportive and motivating environment in which everyone feels comfortable and achieves their goals.
7 Joseb Grishasvili Street
4600 Kutaisi